Sunday 28 July 2013

Hair Envy

So I'm a bit obsessed with YouTube and Blogs and one of my favourite YouTubers/bloggers is Zoella, click on the link and you will notice she has the most amazing ombre hair.
taken from Zoe's blog post about her hair
I have loved ombre and dip dye for a while now and last summer I really wanted to dip dye my hair purple but my parents annoyingly said no. This summer I have rekindled my love for dip dye, with the help from another YouTuber/blogger SprinkleOfGlitter, who recently bleached her hair blonde and then dip dyed the ends pink. I think her hair looks flipping amazing too!
taken from Louise's blog post about her hair
I'm not sure I'd be able to take the plunge and ombre my hair using bleach, it's all a bit too permanent and expensive (I'd be even less sure about doing it at home) if you ask me, especially as I'm trying to grow my hair long and if I don't like it the only way to really get rid of it is to cut it off! I really want to dip dye my hair though as I think it makes boring hair (like mine) look way more interesting and is so perfect for the summer and much easier to do at home. Plus because my hair is relatively dark it will wash out in only a matter or 2 or 3 weeks, which means it will be back to  normal in time for school and is perfect if it goes wrong (some would say a pessimistic attitude, I'd say, knowing me, a realistic one!) so why not just go for it?!

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